Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Is Obama the Modern Day Caligula?

Is Obama the Modern Day Caligula?

Is President Obama a modern day Caligula? Well, certain striking similarities abound that make the comparison eye-opening. Caligula was the Roman Emperor from 37 to 41 AD when he was murdered the Praetorain Guard, ending his infamous reign. This dictator has gone down in history as one of the worst Roman emperors that ever held the position. Through his financial excess, out-of-touch domestic policies and seemingly erratic behavior he is the embodiment of a poor leader.

Ironically, despite his record, the people of Rome loved him during his day. Instead of cheering his assassination they sought out his killers and brought them to justice. It seems almost counterintuitive but history does not lie- on the contrary, it tends to repeat itself.

You may ask why such a notorious dictator was so loved during his day. Well, when you look at what’s going on today you will understand. Caligula was one of the first politicians in recorded history to use class warfare. Like Obama, he denounced the rich and successful of his country and frequently made an example out of them to increase his popularity. He excessively taxed them, imposed charges similar to our modern day capital gains, and took their inheritance. Not only did he believe extorting from the rich would help the economy but he also believed that it would bolster his popularity among the Roman people. Well, he was certainly wrong on the first point but was correct on the second.

Is what Caligula did any different from the Buffet tax? Financially, this tax would have done nothing to help the economy or reduce the national debt. However, the only thing it could accomplish would be to punish the successful and have Obama gain favor among the American people.

Caligula was also remembered for his excessive spending. Caligula's payments for support, generosity and extravagance had exhausted the state's treasury and began bankrupting the country.  Unfortunately, this is exactly what we see today. With the vast expansion of government, increase in spending and a 16 trillion dollar debt Obama has done the same thing to the United States as Caligula did to Rome. However, instead of just exhausting our treasury, he has put our country into a financial whole.  Plus, like Caligula, we see Obama’s excesses. From his wife’s trip to Spain to his own over-the-top inauguration he is the modern day Caligula.

Lastly, Caligula was considered mad for promoting his own horse to the position of consul. This was the highest elected political office in Rome, second only to the emperor. Well, when we look at some of those Obama has appointed to high ranking governmental positions the similarities become obvious. Van Jones, Al Armendariz and Eric Holder are just a few of his winners. To be honest, I’d rather see him appoint a horse instead of many of the people he has surrounded himself with.

Unfortunately, the similarity between Obama and Caligula is clear. Caligula only had 4 years in office. Let’s do the same to Obama and vote for Romney this November! 
 Is Obama the "Caligula of our time?": http://youtu.be/NkVEzQCvpWU via @youtube
(A.D. 12-A.D. 41). I was the third son of Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius), and Agrippina the elder and was born at Antium in A.D. 12.
And now comes, I, Barack Hussein Obama (1961-). I was the illegitimate first son of Stanley Anne Durham and my real father, the Soviet agent and communist propagandist, Frank Marshall Davis. We were born four weeks apart (Aug. 4/Aug. 31).
I, Caligula, when I was in my late teens, my mother and elder brothers were arrested and horribly murdered due to the plotting of the praetorian prefect Sejanus. No doubt the horrendous demise of my closest relatives scarred the young Caligula for life. Attempting to rid himself of I, Caligula, Sejanus, under the belief that he may be a potential successor, went too far and was alas arrested and put to death by orders of Emperor Tiberius in A.D. 31. By expressed order of Emperor Tiberius, I lived on the island of  Capri from A.D. 32 onward in the emperor’s lush residence, where I was encouraged to indulge my every conceivable fleshly lust – and I did!
I, Obama, was the product of a vast and enduring conspiracy to hide my radical background but to, nevertheless, embrace those same radical ideals – Islam, Marxism, socialism, progressivism, Malcolm X racial hatred, anti-Americanism. From ages four to nine, I was indoctrinated in Muslim theology at an Indonesian madrassa. I have never recanted or repented from my Muslim faith, and I wear a ring inscribed with the shahada to prove my undying allegiance to Islam.
I, Obama, was shipped back from Indonesia to Hawaii, from ages nine to 18, where three times a week my mother and grandfather arranged for me to be indoctrinated in Marxist/socialist ideology by my real father, Frank Marshall Davis. I have never recanted or repented from my Marxist faith. Like my former chief of staff, now mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, we are bisexual and members of the uptown Chicago gay bathhouse, “Man’s Country.” My “body man,” Reggie Love, was my best friend, personal assistant and secret lover, until that dark day when Reggie Love forced me to accept his resignation. My marriage to Michelle was a complete sham concocted by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Valerie Jarrett to deceive the public, make me look normal and cover up my homosexual lifestyle.
I, Caligula, know that there were rumors surrounding the death of Tiberius. It is very likely that the 77-year-old emperor did not simply die of old age. On my authority, Naevius Cordus Sertorius Macro, commander of the Praetorians, rushed inside and smothered Tiberius with a cushion, suffocating him.
I, Obama, had several gay lovers – including Donald Young, the openly gay choir director of the church in Chicago of which I, Obama, was a member for some 20 years – Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, a model of black liberation theology. There were two other openly gay men in Wright’s church: Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. We were all members of Wright’s “Down Low Club.” In late 2007, as I, Obama, began my ascent to be the Democratic Socialist Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of one and a half months, all three men conveniently died.
Through Valerie Jarrett, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, terrorists, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn and others, I had the Chicago machine in my back pocket. With no political experience, I rapidly ascended to become a state congressman (1997-2004) and U.S. senator from Illinois (2005-2009) by 11th-hour leaking through the Democrat socialist press of embarrassing info about messy divorces of my opponents. But it was, above all, my army of what Lenin called “useful idiots” which, very loyal black Americans and Democrats to the house of socialism, sought to see I, Obama, as sole ruler.
I, Caligula, quietly dropped an initial request for the deification of the deeply unpopular Tiberius, whom I had murdered. All around, there was much rejoicing at the investment of a new emperor after the dark later years of his predecessor.
I, Obama, triumphantly accepted the world’s most coveted honor, the Nobel Peace Prize postmarked Feb. 1, 2009, just 12 days after I became king … uhh, I mean president, of the United States.
I, Caligula, abolished Tiberius’ gruesome treason trials, paid generous bequests to the people of Rome and an especially handsome bonus to the Praetorian Guard. I, Caligula, gave $1,000 to every Roman citizen, but with a gruesome twist. I, Caligula, stood atop a three-story building flinging buckets of aureus (golden coins) to the eager citizens below. Predictably, they trampled and tore each other to death in fighting to get my stash while I stood imperiously above the masses with a mixture of both utter contempt and sexual euphoria at the bloody carnage I initiated in pitting the people against one another.
I, Obama, learned from Caligula’s phony largess to win the favor of the people and lavished billions in sham green energy jobs like Solyndra, Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Energy, Energy Conversion Devices, Abound Solar, SunPower, Beacon Power, Ecotality, A123 Solar, UniSolar, Azure Dynamics, Evergreen Solar, Ener1 and millions to community anarchist groups like ACORN, NAACP, Code Pink, ACLU, La Raza and the socialist unions that, through illegal kickback schemes, poured hundreds of millions of laundered money I gave them back into my re-election campaign coffers.
I, Caligula, had been emperor for less than four years.
I, Obama, had been president for less than four years.
I, Obama, like my predecessors, Tiberius, Caligula and Nero, am indeed a narcissist neophyte, like the ambitious, arrogant Phaeton of Greek mythology, who assumed he could drive Helios’ (his sun god father’s) chariot to prove he was divine, but all his tragic leadership accomplished was to scorch the planet and render large parts of the earth a perpetual desert wasteland. To stop Phaeton and his genocidal madness, Zeus was forced to kill him.
Will Romney/Ryan be able to stop Obama’s socialist madness from ruining America, killing liberty and deconstructing our sacred Judeo-Christian traditions beyond remedy?
In conclusion, when history raises depraved tyrants, demagogues and socialists to positions of absolute power – whether they be named Tiberius Caesar, Nero, Caligula or Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Bill Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama – all people of good will must summon their courage, repent of their stupidity, rise up, gird up your loins like a man and quickly depose these wicked leaders and restore our constitutional republic.
Thomas Jefferson said it best: In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/i-caligula-i-obama/#8IuZUaMMU7EizWPe.99
(A.D. 12-A.D. 41). I was the third son of Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius), and Agrippina the elder and was born at Antium in A.D. 12.
And now comes, I, Barack Hussein Obama (1961-). I was the illegitimate first son of Stanley Anne Durham and my real father, the Soviet agent and communist propagandist, Frank Marshall Davis. We were born four weeks apart (Aug. 4/Aug. 31).
I, Caligula, when I was in my late teens, my mother and elder brothers were arrested and horribly murdered due to the plotting of the praetorian prefect Sejanus. No doubt the horrendous demise of my closest relatives scarred the young Caligula for life. Attempting to rid himself of I, Caligula, Sejanus, under the belief that he may be a potential successor, went too far and was alas arrested and put to death by orders of Emperor Tiberius in A.D. 31. By expressed order of Emperor Tiberius, I lived on the island of  Capri from A.D. 32 onward in the emperor’s lush residence, where I was encouraged to indulge my every conceivable fleshly lust – and I did!
I, Obama, was the product of a vast and enduring conspiracy to hide my radical background but to, nevertheless, embrace those same radical ideals – Islam, Marxism, socialism, progressivism, Malcolm X racial hatred, anti-Americanism. From ages four to nine, I was indoctrinated in Muslim theology at an Indonesian madrassa. I have never recanted or repented from my Muslim faith, and I wear a ring inscribed with the shahada to prove my undying allegiance to Islam.
I, Obama, was shipped back from Indonesia to Hawaii, from ages nine to 18, where three times a week my mother and grandfather arranged for me to be indoctrinated in Marxist/socialist ideology by my real father, Frank Marshall Davis. I have never recanted or repented from my Marxist faith. Like my former chief of staff, now mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, we are bisexual and members of the uptown Chicago gay bathhouse, “Man’s Country.” My “body man,” Reggie Love, was my best friend, personal assistant and secret lover, until that dark day when Reggie Love forced me to accept his resignation. My marriage to Michelle was a complete sham concocted by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson and Valerie Jarrett to deceive the public, make me look normal and cover up my homosexual lifestyle.
I, Caligula, know that there were rumors surrounding the death of Tiberius. It is very likely that the 77-year-old emperor did not simply die of old age. On my authority, Naevius Cordus Sertorius Macro, commander of the Praetorians, rushed inside and smothered Tiberius with a cushion, suffocating him.
I, Obama, had several gay lovers – including Donald Young, the openly gay choir director of the church in Chicago of which I, Obama, was a member for some 20 years – Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ, a model of black liberation theology. There were two other openly gay men in Wright’s church: Larry Bland and Nate Spencer. We were all members of Wright’s “Down Low Club.” In late 2007, as I, Obama, began my ascent to be the Democratic Socialist Party’s presidential nominee, in a span of one and a half months, all three men conveniently died.
Through Valerie Jarrett, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, terrorists, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorhn and others, I had the Chicago machine in my back pocket. With no political experience, I rapidly ascended to become a state congressman (1997-2004) and U.S. senator from Illinois (2005-2009) by 11th-hour leaking through the Democrat socialist press of embarrassing info about messy divorces of my opponents. But it was, above all, my army of what Lenin called “useful idiots” which, very loyal black Americans and Democrats to the house of socialism, sought to see I, Obama, as sole ruler.
I, Caligula, quietly dropped an initial request for the deification of the deeply unpopular Tiberius, whom I had murdered. All around, there was much rejoicing at the investment of a new emperor after the dark later years of his predecessor.
I, Obama, triumphantly accepted the world’s most coveted honor, the Nobel Peace Prize postmarked Feb. 1, 2009, just 12 days after I became king … uhh, I mean president, of the United States.
I, Caligula, abolished Tiberius’ gruesome treason trials, paid generous bequests to the people of Rome and an especially handsome bonus to the Praetorian Guard. I, Caligula, gave $1,000 to every Roman citizen, but with a gruesome twist. I, Caligula, stood atop a three-story building flinging buckets of aureus (golden coins) to the eager citizens below. Predictably, they trampled and tore each other to death in fighting to get my stash while I stood imperiously above the masses with a mixture of both utter contempt and sexual euphoria at the bloody carnage I initiated in pitting the people against one another.
I, Obama, learned from Caligula’s phony largess to win the favor of the people and lavished billions in sham green energy jobs like Solyndra, Solar Trust of America, Bright Source, LSP Energy, Energy Conversion Devices, Abound Solar, SunPower, Beacon Power, Ecotality, A123 Solar, UniSolar, Azure Dynamics, Evergreen Solar, Ener1 and millions to community anarchist groups like ACORN, NAACP, Code Pink, ACLU, La Raza and the socialist unions that, through illegal kickback schemes, poured hundreds of millions of laundered money I gave them back into my re-election campaign coffers.
I, Caligula, had been emperor for less than four years.
I, Obama, had been president for less than four years.
I, Obama, like my predecessors, Tiberius, Caligula and Nero, am indeed a narcissist neophyte, like the ambitious, arrogant Phaeton of Greek mythology, who assumed he could drive Helios’ (his sun god father’s) chariot to prove he was divine, but all his tragic leadership accomplished was to scorch the planet and render large parts of the earth a perpetual desert wasteland. To stop Phaeton and his genocidal madness, Zeus was forced to kill him.
Will Romney/Ryan be able to stop Obama’s socialist madness from ruining America, killing liberty and deconstructing our sacred Judeo-Christian traditions beyond remedy?
In conclusion, when history raises depraved tyrants, demagogues and socialists to positions of absolute power – whether they be named Tiberius Caesar, Nero, Caligula or Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Neville Chamberlain, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Bill Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama – all people of good will must summon their courage, repent of their stupidity, rise up, gird up your loins like a man and quickly depose these wicked leaders and restore our constitutional republic.
Thomas Jefferson said it best: In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2012/10/i-caligula-i-obama/#8IuZUaMMU7EizWPe.99

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