How Syria Unlocked America’s Dark Closet
Syria’s Trove of Secrets
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” -- Sir Walter Scott
—by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
(Editor’s note: Something in this article really upset folks.)
—As the chances of American “boots on the ground” in Syria disappear, burying the secrets that Syria has exposed is critical, but to whom?
Never has a single conflict exposed so much weakness, duplicity and criminality. These things have always been there but never so plain for all to see.
Chemical weapon inspectors overseeing the destruction, well underway, of Syria’s stockpiles can’t help but note clear indications that those stockpiles have not been touched for years.
The silence of this revelation is “deafening.”
Moreover, as it becomes increasingly obvious that Assad’s forces weren’t involved in chemical attacks, inspectors are now asking for Assad’s forces to, through military action, gain access to stockpiles of chemical weapons held by rebel forces.
News stories are reporting this but are trying very hard to hide this story “in plain sight.” If inspectors are demanding access to rebel areas to assess chemical weapon stockpiles two things are obvious.
- They believe rebels control chemical weapons
- They feel that only military action by Assad led forces can secure Syria from further attacks
NEVER ASSUME IT IS “OVER”The danger of world war isn’t over. A veritable army of carefully groomed intelligence assets have been tasked with a last ditch effort to push the world over the brink.
Chief among these is Christiane Amanpour, the “friendly Muslim face” of CNN, long known in intelligence circles as a Mossad asset.
As the top “news celebrity” in the world with carefully groomed credibility, Amanpour is now on a mission to prove Assad is hiding chemical and biological weapons from UN inspectors, spending the credibility she gained in her recent interview with Iranian President Rohani.
CENSORED HISTORY EASILY REPEATED Her task has been to find a “Chalabi” for Syria. Veterans Today Editor Gwyneth Todd met Chalabi in 1999. Chalabi was with Paul Wolfowitz at PNAC (Project for a New American Century).
They were quite open about their plans to overthrow seven governments and set up dictatorships under the combined control of the Bush family and Zionist interests.
A “working group” was created to bring this about through what we were later to learn was “9/11.”
With several White House insiders from that time on staff, we get a front row view of that time, how AIPAC spies, Chalabi, White House insiders like Condi Rice and Richard Clarke operated in an environment of full-scale treason, large-scale espionage and manufactured false flag terrorism.
Does the “D” in DC Stand for “Depraved?”Greasing the wheels, as is so often the case in Washington was an underworld of sexual perversion, prostitutes, “rent boys,” secret backroom homosexual liaisons in specially designated areas of the White House and even a president who entertained a special male friend who advertised gay sex for pay on the internet.
I have exhaustively interviewed those who were there. We know the FBI had wiretapped the White House and had active investigations ongoing, targeting almost every top level Bush advisor.
Top AIPAC executives were arrested for espionage and later released. Top Bush foreign policy and counter-terrorism advisors were all facing life sentences for a variety of crimes until the Justice Department removed FBI investigators and shut down operations, a political move.
Behind it all was sex, often involving kidnapped children. Author John de Camp wrote about this in “The Franklin Cover-Up, Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska.
This was the first Bush presidency,
“41,” and Republican Party officials called on the CIA to aid in
silencing the investigation which was characterized as “an attempt to
blackmail the President of the United States.” My knowledge of this is
“first hand.”
THE MILITARY MINDMany wonder why the military doesn’t take a stronger role when civilian government seems too corrupt.
That those questions are asked now and not for the 8 years that the Bush “gay mafia” killed a million people in two illegal wars, kidnapped, tortured and murdered untold hundreds, or thousands, perhaps more, is troubling.
Of course, the press has suppressed the stories of how dozens of top generals and admirals were forcibly “retired” for standing up to the Bush cabal.
Most are familiar with rumors or “conspiracy theories” about Satanism and “Skull and Bones,” one of several secret societies that the Bush family, among others, belong to. In June 2013, Stew Webb of Veterans Today reported an upcoming Satanic sacrifice in Denver, Colorado.
His report indicated that a small child was to be kidnapped and killed by a group closely affiliated with the Bush family and several powerful organizations, the ADL, AIPAC and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
One day before the date Webb had indicated, 37-year-old Sammie Lamont Wallace was shot and killed while attempting to kidnap a two-year-old girl for what he had claimed was an “illuminati sacrifice.”
From the New York Daily News:“Witnesses described Wallace as being mentally unstable, talking about how President Bush was watching him and describing a connection with the Illuminati, a secret society mentioned by conspiracy theorists.”Only days before, the incident was predicted in Veterans Today with alarming accuracy:
“Warning kidnapping of new born infant between June 17-20 2013, check all aircraft for any infants ask for birth certificates from parents.
Denver Colorado on June 21 and December 22 each year at 12:00am-3:00am Mountain Time known as the “Summer and Winter Solstice” the Illuminati Council of 13 Bankers hold their “Tiffany Lamp meetings”.
These known Satanists perform Human Sacrifices as part of their satanic rituals at the Old Navarre a former Whore House and Casino located at 1725-1727 Tremont Pl, Denver, Colorado, across from the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado.
They enter the Old Navarre through the Ships Tavern at the Brown Palace Hotel down a ramp between the Restrooms is a door that is unlocked that enters a tunnel that goes across the street to The Navarre.
During these rituals a Human Infant is killed and sacrificed to Satan, the Satanist drink the blood of the Infant Human they sacrifice, and appears before them and goes out to kill the enemies of those Satanist who perform this Human Sacrifice.
This group is known as the Illuminati Bankers the U.S. “Shadow Government” leaders who dictate U.S. World Policy, that are known as Satanists, George H.W. Bush…”
The official leader of the America’s Satanic community is Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino
(ret). Aquino is responsible for organizing Satanic sects throughout
the military and within the service Academies, particularly at the Air
Force Academy in Colorado Springs.After a flurry of bad publicity with the Satanic group was exposed at the former Presidio base in San Francisco, Satanic groups “repackaged” themselves as followers of John Hagee’s “Christian Evangelical” doctrines, blending Satanism, close alignment with Israel and Zionism and “Dominionist and Dispensationalist” beliefs.
The stated purpose of this group is to steal nuclear weapons and bring about the apocalypse. Members of this sect have recently been removed from nuclear command authority in moves the military characterizes as “command failures.”
On more than one occasion, nuclear weapons have been removed from inventories without authorization. One or more of those weapons is missing and the Joint Special Operations Command has engaged in at least one recovery operation in Indiana on July 13, 2010.Thus, with the good order and discipline of the military infected by powerful Satanic cults and, under better circumstances, still hampered by “careerism” and “institutionalization” problems that push the cowardly and mediocre to high authority, looking to the military for moral guidance is unwise.
AMERICA’S “GULAG ARCHIPELAGO”Evidence given to the UN Security Council by Russia establishes a rationale to believe that chemical weapons that were used in Syria came from elsewhere.
Stories have hit the news claiming that Turks and Iraqis have been making Sarin gas in their basements. Lists of purchased chemicals, even arrests have been announced. Our investigations have found something else.
Wikileaks cables showed us that Libya built a new bio-warfare facility in 2006 with full US cooperation. Now we have reason to believe the US built it as part of a deal to improve relations with Libya. We also believe it is still running, totally illegal, deniable and dangerous.We found another one outside Tbilisi, Georgia. After exposing it, inspectors demanded entry. Our sources “on the ground” in Georgia watched the plant being emptied before inspectors arrived.
A similar weapons facility is coming online in Kazakhstan. Others exist in a ring around Russia, several adjacent to secret prisons build to house “rendition” victims from the Bush era “war on terror.” Sources tell us that kidnap victims have been used as test subjects for chemical weapons.
TERRAFORMING OR GLOBALISMWhen Paul Wolfowitz told Ms. Todd, those many years ago, about plans to take over the Caspian Basin, we saw in this the value of the warning given by Zbigniew Brzezinski years before. Now we believe we grossly underestimated the threat.
In Syria, we saw the US go to the brink of nuclear war over scant resources. Syria threatened no one.
Now we stumble on a network of biological and chemical warfare facilities, all “dark,” that are building genetic weapons and advancing illegal science to levels unimagined.
From Veterans Today correspondent and chemical weapons specialist Jeffrey Silverman in Tbilisi:
Perhaps the biggest part of the “Syrian surprise” is now coming to light. It isn’t just Israel and North Korea that are the “rogue nations” in bio-chem warfare. “Bechtel National has signed a deal with the Georgian Technology Management Company (TMC) on biological non-proliferation, despite this being allegedly a civilian project.
There have been many innuendos and stories written as to the lab’s actual purpose, and there may be more than a semblance of truth in many of these.
US Bio-WMDs — It is High Time to Talk about Them While the Syrian chemical weapons stockpile engages the world’s attention due to the criminal false flag operations carried out by the multi-national mercenaries who are ‘fighting for democracy,’ the huge menace of the proliferation of bio-weapons by the US is nowhere to be seen in headlines in the mainstream media.
However, The Center for Disease Control, CDC, in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, says that the US Military is in charge of the bio lab in Tbilisi, not the Georgian government, despite it being officially handed over to Georgian government control after the scandal broke earlier this year.
Staff at the CDC told me several weeks after the handover, ‘the lab is managed by the Department of Defense. Try contacting USAMIRID (U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases) for more information.’”
We are seeing America’s hand but not seeing any known American policy behind it. Past the poorly conceived cover stories, we find programs massive in scale, programs capable of reducing continents, obliterating entire races, of devastating species.
Perhaps now we know why the US would have incinerated the world on a whim over a few half-baked lies peddle through Israeli and German intelligence sources.
Editing: Jim W. Dean
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